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Workplace Wellbeing

Workplace well-being and mental health are currently sitting high on the UK’s agenda, and with good reason. According to the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, workplace mental ill-health costs employers around £26 billion per year, with 18 million days lost to sickness absence caused by mental health conditions and poor emotional well-being.

Cultivating a resilient workforce that is more capable of handling difficult situations, organisational restructures, increasing demands and high pressure without becoming stressed is therefore vital.

Know what you’re looking for?

Mental Health First Aid with Training 365

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training courses teach people how to identify, understand and help someone who may be experiencing a mental health issue.

MHFA won’t teach you to be a therapist, but it will teach you to listen, reassure and respond, even in a crisis – and even potentially stop a crisis from happening.

You’ll learn to recognise warning signs of mental ill health, and develop the skills and confidence to approach and support someone while keeping yourself safe.

Training 365 offer:

  • 2 day – Mental Health First Aiders
  • 1 day – Mental Health First Aid Champions
  • ½ day – Mental Health Aware

At T365 we can also support your organisation in various other ways:


  • Consultation to develop a workforce wellbeing strategy
  • Training Mental Health Champions or First Aiders to support in crisis situations
  • Training managers to be aware of mental ill health and to respond appropriately
  • Training staff to recognise issues in themselves and others and take action
  • Training staff and managers to recognise stress and build personal resilience
  • Specialist training topics including; Wellbeing strategies, Bereavement, Suicide, Menopause, Sleep, Bullying & Harassment and Sensitive Conversations.
Our programmes can be adapted to suit your specific organisational needs and to be appropriate at all levels. Through all sessions we aim to raise awareness, provide practical tools and techniques and encourage everyone to take personal responsibility for their own well-being.

october, 2024

30aug - 15novAll DayNEBOSH General Certificate £1295 + VAT30 August, 6, 13, 20, 27 September, NG1 OBE exam – Wednesday 2nd October, 11, 18, 25 October, 1, 8, 15 November

30sep - 11novAll DayNEBOSH Fire Certificate £795 + vatSeptember 30th, October 7th, 21st, 28th, 4th November – OBE Exam Wednesday 6th November

28oct - 30All DayHighfield First Aid At Work £175 + VAT28, 29, 30 OCTOBER

Can't see what you’re looking for?

Upcoming Courses

october, 2024

30aug - 15novAll DayNEBOSH General Certificate £1295 + VAT30 August, 6, 13, 20, 27 September, NG1 OBE exam – Wednesday 2nd October, 11, 18, 25 October, 1, 8, 15 November

30sep - 11novAll DayNEBOSH Fire Certificate £795 + vatSeptember 30th, October 7th, 21st, 28th, 4th November – OBE Exam Wednesday 6th November

28oct - 30All DayHighfield First Aid At Work £175 + VAT28, 29, 30 OCTOBER

Contact Us

Training 365 Ltd
Lancashire Digital Technology Centre
Bancroft Road
BB10 2TP

Telephone: 01282 872365
eMail: info@training365.co.uk