01282 872 365 info@training365.co.uk

Health & Safety Training Courses

As an employer it is your responsibility to keep your staff safe so ensuring your team is up-to-date with health and safety training is key. We offer a range of health and safety training solutions, many of our training courses are IOSH, NEBOSH, Highfield or City and Guilds accredited and cover a wide variety of health and safety topics..

Know what you’re looking for?

Our health & safety courses include:

march, 2025

7mar - 30mayAll DayNEBOSH General Certificate £1295 + VATNG1: March 7th, March 14th, March 21st, March 28th, April 4th NG1 OBE exam - Wednesday 9th April NG2: April 25th, May 2nd, May 9th, May 16th, May 23rd May 30th

10marAll DayHighfield Emergency First Aid £85 + VATMARCH 10

17mar - 19All DayHighfield First Aid At Work £190 + VATMarch 17, 18, 19

20marAll DayHighfield Fire Marshal £85 + VATMARCH 20

24mar - 25All DayHighfield First Aid At Work Re-Qualification £130 + VATMARCH 24, 25

24mar - 7mayAll DayNEBOSH Fire Certificate £795 + vat24 March, 31 March, 07 April, 14 April, 28 April, OBE exam – 07 May

All of our health and safety training is delivered by our industry experts who take a professional and flexible approach to course delivery. Our dedicated account managers will assess your health and safety needs and will work with you to develop a bespoke training plan to suit the needs of your business.

If not managed correctly health and safety can be a real headache for businesses so don’t take that risk, speak to us today on 01282 872 365 to start developing your health and safety plan. Or if you know what you are looking for, book your health and safety training course now.

Can't see what you’re looking for?

Upcoming Courses

march, 2025

7mar - 30mayAll DayNEBOSH General Certificate £1295 + VATNG1: March 7th, March 14th, March 21st, March 28th, April 4th NG1 OBE exam - Wednesday 9th April NG2: April 25th, May 2nd, May 9th, May 16th, May 23rd May 30th

10marAll DayHighfield Emergency First Aid £85 + VATMARCH 10

17mar - 19All DayHighfield First Aid At Work £190 + VATMarch 17, 18, 19

20marAll DayHighfield Fire Marshal £85 + VATMARCH 20

24mar - 25All DayHighfield First Aid At Work Re-Qualification £130 + VATMARCH 24, 25

24mar - 7mayAll DayNEBOSH Fire Certificate £795 + vat24 March, 31 March, 07 April, 14 April, 28 April, OBE exam – 07 May

Contact Us

Training 365 Ltd
Lancashire Digital Technology Centre
Bancroft Road
BB10 2TP

Telephone: 01282 872365
eMail: info@training365.co.uk